A Closer Look at the Work of Jo Waterhouse


Our mission at The New Craftsmen is to showcase craft excellence by promoting and selling the work of the finest makers in Britain.


Over the next five weeks we’ll be sharing a series of short films, created to celebrate the works of five incredible craftspeople; John de Pauley, Dylan Bowen, Jo Waterhouse, Daniel Reynolds, and Pedro da Costa Felgueiras. This series, entitled Objects, will shine a spotlight on each varied talent, through the use of individual short films detailing select works.

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In week one, we venture into the world of textile designer and illustrator, Jo Waterhouse.


Jo experiments with a range of materials to produce her collages, rummaging at car boot sales to unearth antique photographs, marbled papers and whimsical fragments such as old-fashioned theatre stubs and dolls house papers. Jo uses these materials to build characters steeped in folklore, referencing stories from many cultures around the world.


Leaf Singer & Caravan Collage

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